‘Tracking Tools with RAIN RFID’ Webinar with InThing & Xerafy hosted by Voyantic


#InThing Corp, #Press Release, #RAIN RFID, #RFID software solutions, #sensor software solutions, #tools tracking, #tracking tools, #voyantic, #xerafy,

"Visibility of the whereabouts of tools is the most critical among various asset classes across industries. It impacts productivity and cost management, helps in preventive maintenance, compliance and other safety regulations. Additionally, tool tracking across certain industries such as aviation is especially critical given that leaving tools behind or ‘Foreign Object Debris’, can have disastrous consequences on life. Considering the above, there is the need of software that tracks tools, manages the data regarding their whereabouts and use, as well as the replacement and maintenance wherever needed as per their purpose – tool configuration and assembly. InThing’s multi-component software solutions suite performs a wide variety of tasks including data management, calibration, maintaining operational visibility and efficiency to ensure accuracy of tools being at the right place at the right time, with costs addressed accordingly.

When combined with barcodes in industrial handhelds to read RFID tags, the solutions help inventory of stockroom assets reduced to minutes which normally takes days. Location based auditing using Geiger counter, bulk enrolment of tools are also all possible using the InThing software solutions."

Rajiv Anand, Co-founder and CTO InThing Corp
The webinar 'Tracking Tools with RAIN RFID' hosted by Voyantic, with guest speakers from InThing and Xerafy addressed the various challenges, use cases, and benefits of tracking tools with RAIN RFID for better inventory management, loss prevention, and accountability.

For a summary of the webinar, VISIT HERE
To view the webinar, VISIT HERE

Author’s Note


Dr. Charmaine Kenita is Head Technical Writer, handling website design, digital & content marketing, with specialization in AI, IoT, ML based software solutions.